

I've always struggled with motivation to write, whether it be journaling, zettelkasten note-taking, essays, personal blogs and so on.

I think it all comes down to purpose — I just never can't find the answer to a simple question - "why write?". I have so much to share (at least in my opinion), but I always fail to articulate my ideas and interests to people around me — including online communities.

More and more I'm coming to a realization that writing should be a habit. You never really question habits — your body just does what it has been doing for a long time.

With Bear I'll try one more time. This place seems like a welcoming community full of like-minded people. I want to learn something new and talk about things that intrigue me.

The possibility of this post being the first and also the last one is high, but I'll try sticking to the habit

<3 to all